Total 6699 results
Капитан на танк. нефт. / -хим. 2013г., (пр. 52). Район плавания : Черное, Средизем. море, ВВП. Дата посадки: 23-25.05.18г. Опыт работы на судах нефтеналив. флота. Знание англ. языка. Наличие полного пакета рабочих докум. (река-море): речной диплом 5 гр. судов на соответствующую должность. Подтверждение для работы на нефтен. танк. и хим. Мед. сертифик. для загранич. плавания и т.д. Офиц. оформление по ТКРФ. Стабильная и своевременная «белая» заработная плата. Льготный стаж. Компенсация проезда. Конт.тел.: 8(812) 606-08-81 либо +7 (921) 862-39-02. Звонить в рабочее время. E-mail:
Chief Officer on Aframax/Suezmax/VLCC
We are looking for Chief Officer with rank experience on tankers from 100.000 DWT, min 3 contracts in rank on same type of vessels.
Salary - 10000-10400 USD+rejoining bonus. Contract duration - 4 months. Crew on board - mixed, good english level is required.
USA visa is a must.
Stable European company with large growing fleet.
Please send your CV to email - or call us - Olga Tel/Viber 380634544252
ETO on Aframax/Suezmax/ VLCC
We are looking for experienced Electrical Engineer with 10 months or more rank experience on tankers from 50.000 DWT, preferably with experience with electrical engines.
Stable European company with growing fleet, newbuilt vessels, provides bonuses for inspections.
Salary - 6700-7000 USD, rejoining bonus - 600 usd.
Trading area - world wide. Crew onboard - mixed.
USA visa is a must.
Please contact us - Olga tel/viber 380634544252 or apply with your updated CV -
3 ENG on Aframax/Suezmax/VLCC
We are looking for experienced Third Engineer with min 2 contracts in rank on tankers from 100.000 DWT, preferably with experience with electrical engines.
Stable European company with growing fleet, newbuilt vessels, provides bonuses for inspections.
Salary - 44000 USD + rejoining bonus.
Trading area - world wide. Crew onboard - mixed.
Please contact us - Olga Tel/Viber 380634544252 or apply with your updated CV -
2 ENG on Aframax, Suezmax, VLCC
We are looking for 2 Eng with 10 month rank experience on Oil Tanker DWT 100.000 and more, preferable with experience on ME.
Trading area - world wide.
Crew onboard - mixed.
USA visa, good English is must!
Please contact us - Tel/Viber 380634544252 or apply with your updated CV -
Chief Engineer on Aframax/Suezmax/VLCC
We are looking for experienced Chief Engineer with min 3 contracts in rank on tankers from 100. 000 DWT, preferably with experience with electrical engines.
Stable European company with growing fleet, newbuilt vessels, provides bonuses for inspections.
Salary - 13500-13750 USD + rejoining bonus.
USA visa is a must.
Trading area - world wide. Crew onboard - mixed.
Please contact us - Olga tel/viber 380634544252 or apply with your updated CV -
MPSV or offshore experience and offshore training certificates are expected from the cands by the client. But not a must. It will be an advantage. And a ‘+’ to our service
Training courses will be arranged by the client before joining.
Crew are supposed to deliver service to the project crew engaged in the project itself (foreigners, 24 + 30 persons)
NB Crew are to be Russian nationality only! The requirement of the client. They need part of Russian crew for this project.
BGI Saint-Petersburg
USD 35 / day
Требуется Старший Помощник со знанием английского на Coaster Зарплата 4000 евро, контракт 4+/-1 месяца, посадка 29.05.2018
Год постройки 2460
DWT 2500 Район работы Европа Экипаж смешанный
На мостике Капитан и Старший Помощник
Тел: +74012 311719
Требуется капитан с опытом работы на балкерах handymax, mix crew.
Адмирал Морская Компания
We are looking AB with off-shore experience
Owners - Greatship Global Offshore Services Pte Ltd and SEIC - Sakhalin Energy Investment Company. The vsl is supposed to work in Sakhalin area.
MPSV or offshore experience and offshore training certificates are expected from the cands by the client. But not a must. It will be an advantage. And a ‘+’ to our service
Training courses will be arranged by the client before joining.
NB Crew are to be Russian nationality only! The requirement of the client. They need part of Russian crew for this project.
BGI Saint-Petersburg
USD 40 / day