О компании
Ukraine stably holds one of the leading positions among the crew-supplying countries all around the world. Having the attractive and convenient location, strong educational platform and diligence as a national feature, Ukrainian marine specialists successfully compete in the world labor market.
Years ago, the Ukrainian seafarers proved themselves worldwide as well-educated, confident, hard-working and stress-resistant professionals of the highest level.
Odessa is the main sea gate of the country. Since the times of Black Sea Shipping Company, and till present days, marine educational system in Ukraine complies with the highest standards in accordance with the international maritime legislation. Annually only Odessa Marine High and Secondary Schools produce more than 10,000 graduates, which confirms that the Ukrainian seafarers are in demand.
Our Company is placed here, and our intention is to grow along with the development of our perspective region.
- Lyusdorfskaya 140a,Odessa ,Ukraine, Odessa , Ukraine
- +38 048 793 60 06
- crew@accord-crew.com