Job description

Chief Officer

LPG - Fully refrigerated
20 Просмотры

Детали вакансии

  • Зарплата: from 10500
  • Дата посадки: 10-08-2017
  • Длина контракта: 4


Open position on fully/ref VLGC Ronald N, DWT 55 000, 2008 y.b, Anglo-Eastern Univan group, high wages , stable employment, great promotional prospects. The wage will be confirmed on individual base, candidates who holds Master license will have additional bonus. Mandatory requirements: C/O experience on LPG, fully ref min 12 ms, all nationalities, age max 50. Please contact Contact number 7 988 341 0202, Lyubov for the full information.

Детали судна

  • Type: LPG - Fully refrigerated
  • YOB: 2008
  • DWT: 55000
  • Engine: MAN , 20000 kwt

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