Описание вакансии


2nd Engineer

Детали вакансии

  • Зарплата: 12500
  • Дата посадки: 30.11.2024
  • Длина контракта: 4 months

Детали судна

  • Тип: Crude Oil Tanker
  • Vessel: 163759DWT
  • Главный двигатель: BW KWT


Good English Experience in rank and on the same type of vessel at least 4-5 contracts

Sea Crew Job Agency is the crew manning & training company which selects, recruits and delivers seafarers to it's clients (ship owners and ship managing companies), as well as specialized training of seamen in training centers. The agency is managed by professionals according to all the regulations and marine laws. There are more than 30000 professionals, licensed and certified according to the STCW 78/95, SOLAS and other International Conventions requirements with good experience of work per ISM Code and good level of English.

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Информационный сайт для моряков и крюинговых компаний. Работа и вакансии в море.