Looking for experienced 3/O Navigational officer on general cargo, DWT 8200 , built in 2000
Salary 2867 EUR
Trading area – Mediterranean – Europe
5+/-1 months contract
Candidates to have:
-Valid STCW certificates
-Relevant work experience
-Positive references from previous employers
-Good ability to communicate in English
We offer:
-Stable workplace
-Competitive salary
-Possibility to grow in company
2 OFF for newly delivered LNG Carrrier vessel in Company (2nd crew). LNG experience is preferred. LPG experience can be considered as well.
Trade area - WW. Full deck crew staff - MST, CO, 2O, 2x3O. Mixed crew - RUS, FSU, Indo.
Joining beg Jul.
Salary discussable.
3 OFF for newly delivered LNG Carrrier vessel in Company. LNG experience preferred. LPG experience can be considered as well..
Trade area - to be advised. Full deck crew staff - MST, CO, 2O, 2x3O. Mixed crew - RUS, FSU, Indo.
Joining beg Jun.
Salary discussable.
Looking 3O for LPG tanker of German Ship owner/Management
Crew: RUS + Philipino
Joining end of June / beg July
12 months in rank on tankers and min 3 months on LPG vessels
4 months, 4340 USD
+79219613328 Petr Whatsapp
Looking 3O for LPG tanker
Joining at the end of April
4500 USD / 4 months contract
Ship owenr: Greece
Crew on board: Rus speaking
Process of approval: CES teat+ interview with Company
+79219613328 Petr (Whatsapp)