Cook AB
General cargo
14 Просмотры
Детали вакансии
- Зарплата: 1500 euro
- Дата посадки: 28-09-2022
- Длина контракта: 5 months
Looking for experienced AB/OS cook on general cargo, DWT 6182 , built in 2001, Engine type Wartsilla 8R32LND, 2900 KWT
Salary 1500-1700 Euro
Trading area – Mediterranean – Europe
5 months contract
Joining the vsl – 3/September
Candidates to have:
-AB/OS certificate of competency II/4 or II/5
-Valid STCW certificates
-Relevant work experience
-Good ability to communicate in English
Детали судна
- Type: General cargo
- YOB: 2001
- DWT: 6182
- Engine: Wartsila , 2900 kwt