2nd Engineer
Bulk Carrier
91 Просмотры
Детали вакансии
- Зарплата: 7400$-7500$
- Дата посадки: 01-04-2024
- Длина контракта: 5 months
We are looking for Second Engineer to Bulk carrier
YOB: 2015
DWT: 63056 t
Main Engine: MAN B&W 5G60ME-C9
Salary: 7400$-7500$(possibility to make transfers in Euro)
Owner: Greece
Contract: 4+/-1 months
Boarding: July
Crew: mix (European, Filipinos)
Free Employment!!!
Requirements: min 2 contract in rank, Good English, experience on same type of vessel
Employment process: CES Test, interview with superintendent
Please visit our web site
Морское агентство «SeadimA»
Детали судна
- Type: Bulk Carrier
- YOB: 2015
- DWT: 63056
- Engine: MAN-BW ME , 8500 kwt